Power of Christ
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Two Prayers
God's Gift To Us
God's Plan
Why Are We Here?
Joy To the World
Keep The Peace

March 2009

Consider a woman [yourself] who has lived in New Jersey all her life. One day she meets a man, a very nice man. They like each other and they grow to love each other. They decide to marry each other.

Now, this man is not from New Jersey. He's from someplace else, far away, like Colorado or Arizona. His entire family still lives back there. And because you're both poor, you don't have any money to travel, and therefore you never meet his parents. Sure, you've heard him talk about his parents now and then. Maybe you've spoken to them on the telephone two or three times, but that's it.

So now comes the day of the wedding. A very, very small wedding; like I said, you don't have any money. Well here's what happens:

This man's parents send you a very valuable gift. And you say to yourself, "Why would they give me a gift? I don't even know them." Here's why: Because you are someone special to their son. And this is how it is with God. God loves us when we love his son, Jesus. Jesus tells us (John 14:21) "... he who loves me will be loved by my Father..."  He repeats it again in v.23: "... if anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and my Father will love him."

When we love Jesus, God loves us. In fact, this is why we are called Christians, because we love Jesus. We know that the way to heaven is through Jesus. In John 14:6, Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

So Jesus is the gift we have received from God. Remember John 3:16? For God so loved the world, that he GAVE his only begotten son...

The problem is this: A gift doesn't do us any good if we don't accept it. We must simply say thank you and accept Jesus (the gift) into our hearts. Only then do we know we can get into heaven.

So it goes like this:
  1. God gave us his son, Jesus
  2. Accept the gift into your heart
  3. Have everlasting life in heaven
And as with all gifts, remember to say: Thank You God !!!

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